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- Retention Protocol For Aligner
Retention Protocol For Aligner
After orthodontic treatment maintaining tooth to their position with retainer is very important. There are three most common type of retainers more comfortable position.it can be custom designed with many colors.
· Removable Hawley’s retainer
They are the removable retainers with labial bow and Adams clasp.it lasts long time.it can be tightend and repaired.
· Removable clear plastic retainer
These are the plastic retainers similar to aligners. They are invisible. They hold the tooth into their desired position.it protects the teeth against wear from grinding.
· Bonded permanent retainers
In this type of retainer the wire is bonded with lingual or palatal side of the tooth.it can last for many years if it is properly maintained.it can’t be lost as it is permanently glued.
Generally when your treatment ends, your teeth will have natural tendency to move back to their original position.
During orthodontic tooth movement, the application of force induces the bone resorption on pressure side and bone deposition on the tension side. This is called as the bone remodeling.so after removal of the force bone will take time to settle.
Retainers are recommended because the aligners straighten your teeth by pulling them into their correct position and they achieve this by losing connective tissue and ligaments between the roots of your teeth, the gums and the jaws. When aligners are removed these fibrous connective tissue are still loose. This means the teeth are at high risk of moving back to where they are come from
And undoing all your good work. A retainer will protect your teeth reducing the risk of any teeth movement.
The answer is yes. Almost everyone will need to wear retainer after the aligner treatment. A retainer has an important job of holding your teeth into their position.
The recommended time for wearing a retainer after aligner will differ between patients and the type of the treatment they had.
Retainers after orthodontic treatment give you proper support for the settling in the bone. Wearing retainer is very important part of the orthodontic treatment. Aligners straighten your teeth by pulling them into their position by losing connective tissue and the ligaments between the roots of the tooth. The connective tissues are still loose during this time the teeth are at very high risk of moving back to their original position.
Hence retainers play very important role after aligner treatment.
The time your aligner treatment completed you need to wear the retainer to maintain your smile. If the patient is not using retainer after treatment. This may happen:
After one week without retainer:
Your teeth will begin to move into their original position as soon as your aligners removed. Everyone’s teeth shift at different speeds and even slightest shift can impact your smile.
After one month without retainer:
After a month of not using your retainer, you may notice your bite has changed and your teeth have started moving back to their original position. You need to wear new retainer during the day and night again for original position. And the solution is to restart the treatment again.
Keeping your teeth straight can be as simple as wearing your retainer after getting your treatment completed. Not wearing your retainer will make you lose the smile you spent your time and money to achieve. While it may take time to get into the habit of wearing a retainer.it will worth it in the long run.
Wear your retainers as the prescribed retainers do their support to the teeth while in mouth.
· Initially wear your retainer for 22 hours a day. Remember remove your retainer while eating food and drinking hot beverages. Brush your teeth properly or gargle and then wear retainer.
· Do not let your retainer get break or damaged. If it gets damaged then visit your dentist as early as possible.
· Clean your retainers thoroughly once a day with soft tooth brush and clear mouth rinse. Do not use hot water to clean the retainers. Use normal drinking water to clean the retainer. Brushing retainer removes the plaque and eliminate odor.
· Visit your dentist for regular checkup.
· Keep your retainers away from the pets.
· Replace your retainer when needed.
· Carefully put on and take off your retainer.
· After removing from mouth soak your retainer in water.
The exact duration you will need to wear your retainer depends upon the orthodontic treatment you had.
After the aligner treatment the retention phase is generally for one year. Initially after aligner or braces removal, use retainer for 22 hours a day for first six months. Remove it for only to eat or clean your teeth and the retainer.
After that orthodontist may allow you to wear at night time only for next six months. This will help you to maintain smile indefinitely.
If the vacuum formed retainer that is Essex retainers get broke into two and both pieces still fit then continue to wear both pieces until your emergency appointment to have new replacement. If you have distorted appliance due to heat, then it will no longer fit. If you have removable retainer and it distorted then return to the clinic and get it repair. They might need new impressions to create another retainer. If you have bonded retainer fitted we suggest you apply a layer of orthodontic wax to the broken part to prevent irritation to the tongue.
If you lose your retainer the first thing we recommend you is do look for the appliance as it may misplaced somewhere in your house. If you can’t find retainer you will have to call and book the appointment with your orthodontist to have impressions and make new retainers.
Bondable retainers are also called as permanent retainers.it consist of the solid or braided wire that is curved o fit the shape of your teeth. The wire is bonded to the inside of your front teeth to keep them from moving. The procedure as follows:
· Etch the inner side of anterior teeth. Dry it properly
· Apply bonding agent on the tooth surface and cure it with light cure.
· Pre adapt your lingual retainer wire using impression model to ensure proper length and fit to the anterior.
· Place the loop of dental floss in interproximal of central and laterals.
· Insert the adapted wire into the loop of dental floss and gently pull the dental floss to hold the wire against the tooth. This may result in bonding an active wire.
· Using flowable composite apply on the tooth surface
Use enough composite to cover the wire and bond to enamel.
· Light cure paste on each tooth for 20 seconds for complete set.
· Remove dental floss .remove occlusal interference if any.